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WHAT TO EXPECT                                                  HAZ TU CITA YA!


The Location- Colonia Roma Sur, Mexico City:

Contrasting Roma Norte’s hip, progressive vibe, Roma Sur revolves around tradition and daily routine. Historically an aristocratic hub, Roma Sur's residential streets now teem with calloused-hand workers, many from neighboring Latin American countries. Housewives buy fruit from street vendors, teenagers grab lunch at Mercado Medellín, and old-timers sip coffee and flip through the newspaper as familiar faces stream by. Less focused on their image than most, Roma Sur’s Chilangos cherish the simpler things in life.

​Aceite de masaje/
Massage oil:

El terpaista utiliza aceite de alemendra con esencias herbales como bergamota, lavanda, eucalipto y otros. Dejale saber cualquier alergia al terapista.

The therapist uses all-natural sweet almond oil and add essential oil essences that include bergamot, lavender, eucaplytus, and others. Please let him know if you have any allergies.

El Espacio de Masaje/ The Massage Space:

Entraras a un lugar tranquilo, cálido, con velas, una amplia habitación donde estará rodeado de relajantes olores a base de hierbas. La mesa de masaje premium es amplia, cómoda e incluye sábanas limpias.

You will walk into a quiet, warm, candlelight, spacious room where you will be surrounded by relaxing/herbal smells. The premium massage table is spacious, comfortable and includes clean sheets.





Musica Relajante/ Relaxing Music:

Serás llevado lejos escuchando música relajante (tibetano, sonidos de la naturaleza , etc.) mientras tomas tu masaje. Si tienes otra preferance de música, dejale saber al terapeuta.

You will be taken far away listening to relaxing music (tibetan, nature sounds,  etc.) while you take your massage journey. If you have another preferance of music, let the therapist know. 

​Que hacer antes del masaje/
What to do before the massge.
Tomar un baño calientito antes. Esto ayuda a empezar a relajar los musculos.
Take a warm shower/bath before your massage so that your muscles begin to relax.
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